So here we are again, the classic 'Oh Crap I have loads of homework due in tomorrow that I could have finished easily if I had paced myself over the holiday like I promised myself I would, but I did what seems to be a trending pattern and did actually fun stuff instead and now its the evening before we go back and I'm screwed' time of year again. Happens to the best of us. And even now, when I know that Ali, Chris and Hermione (possibly the English teachers too) are gonna be pissed at me, I am not working like I know I should be. No, I am here writing blog that no one will read. I believe this is the true definition of procrastination.
So now that we have established that this is a waste of time for me and anyone else who is reading this (yep, it is evident that you too are procrastinating) let's get on with some time killing! Let me introduce Hermione, the new textiles teacher. Sharon got pregnant and abandoned us (jokes, we love her really and cant wait to find out about her newborn baby!) and so in comes Hermione, ta dahhhh! She's very nice and interested in teaching us fashion, which is refreshing as Sharon was more conceptual abstract (which I also enjoyed, dont get me wrong). HOWEVER. And this is a big HOWEVER, Hermione claims to be Quote 'mad about fashion', yet last term, she took to wearing some shoes that looked like swimming shoes for cattle.

These shoes are the closest match I could find on the internet without actually bothering to look in much depth. Theyre pretty similar though, except our teacher's were knee high, and had the big toe seperated, like in some of those hideous trainers you can get now. So yeah, you see our problem now? You CANNOT claim to be vaguely interested in fashion if you wear cow swimming shoes to your place of work. End of.
So yes, I have wasted enough time now, im going to go and do something else equally as useless :D